Our Mission

It is the mission of the Certificate In Ministerial Studies program to offer educational experiences designed to prepare ministers and ministerial candidates for effective service in a contemporary society.
92+ experts

Meet our SOM Faculty

Our dedicated team of 92 experienced faculty members has designed over 20 dynamic courses to equip students for effective ministry. These courses are thoughtfully crafted to provide practical tools, biblical knowledge, and spiritual insights, ensuring that each student is prepared to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond.

Our Objectives

#Read | #Watch | #Learn | #Improve

Effectively delivering the gospel in today’s society is a challenging endeavor. So for those who are called to minister God’s Word, understanding the contemporary human personality is critical to success.

In addition to practical ministerial leadership skills, the Certificate In Ministerial Studies (CIMS) program teaches ministers and ministerial candidates how to exemplify their consuming love for the Word of God by heightening their sensitivity to the needs of people.

Our comprehensive curriculum encompasses the tools needed to reap the endless rewards of helping others trust and believe in God’s plan for their lives.

50% off if you sign up for this course today.

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